LeadIn 4-D
LeadIn 4-D

The Human & Social Systems Framework for Change

A modern mindset framework and approach for humanising transformation

Now is the perfect time for people to really power human transformation

Who are we?

We are a global community of practice bringing together two distinct audiences passionate about putting people at the centre of humanising transformation and unlocking a new leadership mindset.

We believe these two audiences power the success of humanising transformation because of their unique positioning, their involvement in the humanising transformation agenda (Practitioners) or their courage in daring to think differently (Future leaders).

Does this sound like you? If so read on...

The Human and Social Systems Framework for Change and Transformation ultimately serves the leaders and people supporting any organisation. However, it is those who work with the leaders of an organisation and those who want to reposition transformation away from projects and programs towards people and behavioural shift that we serve, humanising transformation. 

Helping these audiences increase the presence of a new leadership mindset and reposition people as the central focus of humanising transformation is why we exist. 

Never has there been a more critical time and need for people to take the leading role in humanising transformation - that starts with encouraging leaders to think differently. When the world around us is a mass of constant change, we have realised the need to bring humanity back to the centre of business, we also have to help leaders redefine their practice and rewire their habits to role model noble leadership we can trust and that’s worth following.

A Program for You

As a project, change or people professional, as a leader or entrepreneur – understanding your role as a central point, engaging active leadership, and understanding modern mindset theory we have learnt is fundamental if you are to succeed in transformation, or support others in transforming. 

When we become participants of change, activate leadership around us and bake modern mindset theory into the design and delivery of our transformational visions, we are humanising transformation. When we humanise transformation, we accelerate success and develop sustainable transformation that lasts long after any project of the program has finished – because we and the people we are supporting have become transformed. 

  • Our Practitioner and Leadership academy supports change, people and project professionals humanising transformation by developing the skills of a modern mindset in the design and delivery of transformation.   

  • Our Practitioner and Leadership academy supports leaders and entrepreneurs understand how to communicate and design future visions and aspirations that capture hearts and minds.  

  •  Our Practitioner and Leadership academy supports leaders, entrepreneurs, and change professionals to develop role model leadership practices using modern mindset theory to build trust around them so others will follow. 

Join a program


You can become a part of this exciting and growing global community in the following ways;

Foundation Certification

If you are (project managers and change managers) someone who wants to explore a more human-centred and sustainable approach to change and transformation, our Foundation Certification is for you. Providing you with a high-level insight and understanding of the business case (why) to more methodology and frameworks (how).  

Entry level training for those wanting to understand the fundamentals of Modern Mindset Theory and the basic techniques for humanising transformation.
This program is delivered in two ways:

  • 1 Day Virtual Live Training Day, followed by an online examination with an optional digital certificate upon passing.

  • Self-paced videos and activities over the course of 5 days, followed by an online examination with an optional digital certificate upon passing

Learning Outcomes

  • Confidence in your own strength and value-contribution in change and transformation.

  • Ability to bring more human and environmental thinking to projects and programs.

  • Use modern mindset theory in the development of strategy and visioning. 

  • Start to bring the power of lasting change to your work using Modern Mindset Theory fundamentals. 

Practitioner Certification

This is our most popular training. As well as Foundation Fundamentals, this training delves into how to  bring Modern Mindset into your practice. Using it for strategy, design or delivery. This program also involves practice hours where you are required to demonstrate the use of Modern Mindset in a live project or potential project. Practitioner training also includes 121 mentoring: A key element of success in humanising transformation is the ability to be a role model. As practitioners we are always at the centre of change.  During this program you will benefit from being profiled against the Modern Mindset dimensions and work with a qualified mentor to design some key goals for your own Modern Mindset leadership and professional journey.

This program is delivered in two ways:

  • 2 Days Virtual Live Training , followed by an online examination with an optional digital certificate upon passing. Submission of 15 practice hours or 10 hours practice actions. 3 121 confidential mentoring sessions to work on your own Modern Mindset and professional practitioner pathway.

  • Self-paced videos and activities over the course of 10 days, followed by an online examination with an optional digital certificate upon passing. Submission of 15 practice hours or 10 hours practice actions. 3 121 confidential mentoring sessions to work on your own Modern Mindset and professional practitioner pathway.

Learning Outcomes

  • Start using some basic techniques to weaken resistance and strengthen resilience around change in others.

  • Start to bring the power of lasting change to your work using Modern Mindset Theory fundamentals.

  • Ability to design and deliver humanised transformation projects and programs.

  • Engage leaders as role models and active participants in your program.

Mentor Certification

If you are a business mentor or executive coach, or working with managers and leaders within your system, this program may suit your needs.  

This program has been designed to develop your skills as a Modern Mindset mentor and coach. You will learn the theory, experience this fully for yourself as well as train in the design and delivery of Modern Mindset mentoring and coaching. This certification also qualifies you as a licensed practitioner in The Dilyn Way™ Profiling tool, used by thousands of leaders internationally to develop a modern mindset.

This program is delivered in two ways:

  • 3 Days Virtual Live Training, followed by an online examination with an optional digital certificate upon passing. Submission of 20 practice hours and 1 profiling completion upload from 3 practice licenses. 6 hours of confidential mentoring to experience and work on your own Modern Mindset and professional practitioner pathway.

  • Self-paced videos and activities over the course of 10 days, followed by an online examination with an optional digital certificate upon passing. Submission of 20 practice hours and 1 profiling completion upload from 3 practice licenses. 6 hours of confidential mentoring to experience and work on your own Modern Mindset and professional practitioner pathway.

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop an understanding of the International Framework for Human & Social Systems for Change & Transformation to integrate into your existing toolkit and approach.

  • Be an effective role model modern mindset leader yourself, inspiring change in others.

  • Be certified in the use of the Framework diagnostics, tools and products.

  • Confidence in your own strength and value contribution in change and transformation.

Transformation for non-transformation leaders

This is a uniquely designed program and first of a kind globally for senior leaders, business owners and transformation leads to competently design and drive transformation that has humanity at it’s centre and led with role model leadership developed through Modern Mindset. 

If you are a leader charged with leading your business/organisation into the future but your domain of expertise lies elsewhere - finance, sales, management. This course is for you.

Whilst strategic planning programs are widely available for leaders and managers, too often they fail to support the reality of our times. Concentrating on models, methodologies and theories which are outdated and out of sync with our hybrid, networked digitally driven world. Whilst some methodologies and theories still have some application, they are not enough for leaders today to navigate transformation with confidence, to build strategies that engage humans and to lead in ways that generate followership and unite people on purpose. 

If you find yourself leading and driving transformation this program is uniquely designed for you.

This program is delivered in two ways:

  • 2 Days Virtual Live Training. 3 hours of confidential mentoring to experience and work on your own Modern Mindset and leadership pathway.

  • Self-paced videos and activities over the course of 21 days, 3 hours of confidential mentoring to experience and work on your own Modern Mindset and leadership pathway.

Learning Outcomes

  • Confidence in your own ability to lead and challenge business transformation. 

  • Have a clear professional purpose that takes human-centred transformation into account. 

  • Ability to engage key stakeholders to take an active part in business transformation. 

  • Apply some of the most cutting-edge thinking and methodology on the future of business into your transformation roadmap. 

Leadership and Entrepreneurial Modern Mindset Mastermind Program

This is our flagship program. Covering all aspects of successful leadership in a modern world specific to transformation and modern mindset. Whether you are leading your own organisation or are a senior leader tasked with leading strategic transformation for your organisation, this program will be for you.

Delivered over a period of 8 months, this program is uniquely designed to focus on the three modern leadership frames of reference;

Inner Frame: Knowing who you are, your purpose, your strengths. Working with the group and your assigned mentor to put into practice the best version of yourself by designing your ideal professional pathway (or pathways) and putting into practice the techniques best suited to your profile and needs. This is about your identity - from who you are today towards who you are becoming tomorrow.

Group sessions each month will focus on a different aspect of inner leadership covering subjects such as:
Purpose, Profile, Presence, Positive Energy, Preparedness.

Outer Frame: We can only achieve the potential of our current boundaries. When it comes to leadership in a modern age, your boundaries are constantly evolving and adapting. Who are you connected to, what are you connecting into, where and how?  The Outer frame of modern leadership will seek to challenge you in terms of peers, knowledge, development, community and partnerships. At the end of this program you will have a dynamic and diverse outer frame others will want to follow by your example.  With a dynamic and diverse outer frame of reference we are always able to bring curiosity and openness to ideas, change and the future.

Forward Frame: The future. It is impossible to touch. It is impossible to design with 100% guarantee. However, understanding the inevitable forces that are impacting our future, being confident about experimenting and investing in digital and data and even disruptions. 

During this program you will experience the shift from focussing on time to focussing on attention and energy. You will experiment and learn techniques that support your ability to spend more time thinking and focussing on the future, able to delegate, democratise and automate tasks that are more past or present orientated.

Learning Outcomes

  • Complete a full personal mentoring program. Be guided through a deep and comprehensive personal leadership transformation journey: exploring your moonshot, your missions as well as design your own unique professional journey map and work with your mentor to learn how to use micros shifts to accelerate success.

  • Learn the methodologies and philosophies of some of the world's most cutting-edge thinkers and change makers.

  • Understand where leaders go to drink the fountain of knowledge in a digital age – backed by research as well as science.

  • Explore alternatives to traditional methodologies and frameworks still used today in leadership development programs from as far back as the 50s. Learn how what to use instead or how to merge them with modern thinking.

About our programs

All our programs are delivered inside the global community of practice here - LeadIn 4-D. All programs include access to the Practitioner and Leadership academy. 

As an automatic member of the community you also gain access to the main community activities that include:

  • Month by month themes that tackle a core element of the framework to help build your understanding and ability to use the core elements of the framework in your leadership practice.
  • Networking and ability to share with like minded experts, professionals and leaders from around the world.
  • Access to bi-monthly masterclasses, where experts in core areas of the framework come and share their insights and tips.
  • Access to bi-monthly Stories from the Field, where experts come and share their personal stories of humaninsing transformation.
  • Garage sessions where common leadership or digital transformation issues are discussed and shared experiences voiced to enable us to generate good practices for others to learn.
  • Ability to generate your own events and groups within the community to work on a project you need help with or an experiment you would like to explore further. 
  • Access to coaches and mentors from a wide variety of disciplines specific to the framework and the future of leaders for you to connect and engage with if you wish.
  • Resources, materials and tips to help you and your team on your journey.

If you feel you would benefit from being a member of the community first before committing to becoming a certified practitioner, mentor or a modern mindset leader, you can join the community for free - all we ask is that you are true to yourself, you are one of the three audiences mentioned above and most importantly join with a willingness to contribute and take part in the community.

And, if our word isn't enough...

 Rachel Neaman

"The Programme from Adapt2Digital is a fantastic training resource that provides practical and detailed insight into what it means to be a leader in a digitised world. The programme covers theory, practice and feedback – combining a unique profiling tool, practical exercises, regular check-ins with a coach-mentor, and links to further materials – and focuses on the mindset and behaviours essential for leaders to demonstrate. Taking part in the Programme has been invaluable for my own coaching and mentoring work, and I highly recommend this programme to anyone interested in supporting others to develop the leadership profile that will allow them to deliver real success." 

Chris Riley

“Before entering the Programme, I knew there was more to digital than just the tech. Through its seven principles this programme has allowed me to explore all aspects of digital, where I stand on my own path to greater understanding and ideas for how I can develop further. As a leader in ICT I already understood a lot of the new technologies, but I wasn’t living digital myself. I have learnt that to be a leader in the modern world you need to fully immerse yourself in digital.” 

Rudolph Vogl

"Having moved out of the corporate world after many years in a top leadership position it was fascinating and challenging to (re-)identify who am I and what I really stand for in a digital age. It ultimately was about reinventing and creating my new brand! In that situation The Dilyn Way™ and the Brand Triangle were the ideal framework/tools for me. It helped to align my fundamental values with my future goals which I will thrive to achieve in the digital age through my new company."

Payment Assisstance

For payment assistance in our training & coaching programs due to the affects of COVID-19, please email in the fullest of confidence [email protected] to discuss payment plans or further discounts.